ハーバードMBAコースで教鞭を執る社会心理学者エイミー・カディ(Amy Cuddy)のTEDスピーチの英語を徹底解説する。日本語訳なしでも理解できるよう、単語と文法をわかりやすくご説明する。日本語訳ではわからない、エイミー・カディの本当のメッセージを感じて欲しい。
スピーチの題名は「Your body language may shape who you are」(ボディランゲージが人を作る!)(2012年6月収録)だ。エイミーは、自信のない時でも、自信溢れるポーズをとることで自分自身を変えられると語っています。緊張すると力が発揮できないという方におすすめ。
なお、TED Talk でのオリジナルスピーチの画像は「Your body language may shape who you are」で楽しんでほしい。
So when I tell people about this, that our bodies change our minds and our minds can change our behavior, and our behavior can change our outcomes, they say to me, “It feels fake.” Right? So I said, fake it till you make it. It’s not me. I don’t want to get there and then still feel like a fraud. I don’t want to feel like an impostor. I don’t want to get there only to feel like I’m not supposed to be here. And that really resonated with me, because I want to tell you a little story about being an impostor and feeling like I’m not supposed to be here.
tell (人) that our bodies 〜: (人)に〜を話す/伝える ⇨ “about this” をカッコに入れるとわかりやすい。
It feels fake: それはいんちき/いかさまに感じる
make it: うまくいく/やり遂げる
fraud /frɔ́ːd/ (名) 詐欺、ペテン
impostor /impɑ́stər/ (名) 詐欺師
resonate /rézənèit/ (動) (心の中に)響き渡る ⇨ “resonate with (人)” 「(人)の心に響く」
When I was 19, I was in a really bad car accident. I was thrown out of a car, rolled several times. I was thrown from the car. And I woke up in a head injury rehab ward, and I had been withdrawn from college, and I learned that my IQ had dropped by two standard deviations, which was very traumatic. I knew my IQ because I had identified with being smart, and I had been called gifted as a child. So I’m taken out of college, I keep trying to go back. They say, “You’re not going to finish college. Just, you know, there are other things for you to do, but that’s not going to work out for you.”
throw /θróu/ (動) 投げる ⇨ “be thrown out of a car” 「車から投げ出される」
roll /róul/ (動) 転がる
rehab /rìːhəb/ (名) = rehabilitation リハビリテーション
ward /wɔ́ːrd/ (名) 病棟 ⇨ “a head injury rehab ward” 「頭部損傷リハビリ病棟」
withdraw /wiðdrɔ́/ (動) (参加や加入を)やめさせる
standard deviation: 《統計》標準偏差
traumatic /trəmǽṭik/ (形) (忘れられないほど)衝撃的な
identified with 〜: ~であると確認される
gifted /gíftid/ (形) 優れた才能のある
be taken out of 〜: ~から外される
that’s: ここでは「大学に行くことは」のニュアンス。
work out: うまくいく
So I really struggled with this, and I have to say, having your identity taken from you, your core identity, and for me it was being smart, having that taken from you, there’s nothing that leaves you feeling more powerless than that. So I felt entirely powerless. I worked and worked, and I got lucky, and worked, and got lucky, and worked.
struggle /strʌ́gl/ (動) 取り組む、悪戦苦闘する ⇨ “struggle with 〜” 「(困難などに)取り組む、奮闘する、苦労する」
have 〜 taken from …: …から〜を取り上げる
there’s nothing that leaves you feeling more powerless than that: 最初の “that” は関係代名詞で先行詞は “nothing”。“leave” はここでは「ある状態のままにしておく」のニュアンス。最後の “that” は「アイデンティティを取り上げられてこと」を指す。全体では「アイデンティティを取り上げられる ことより無力に感じさせられることは他にない。」のニュアンス。
get lucky: 運に恵まれる
Eventually I graduated from college. It took me four years longer than my peers, and I convinced someone, my angel advisor, Susan Fiske, to take me on, and so I ended up at Princeton, and I was like, I am not supposed to be here. I am an impostor. And the night before my first-year talk, and the first-year talk at Princeton is a 20-minute talk to 20 people. That’s it. I was so afraid of being found out the next day that I called her and said, “I’m quitting.” She was like, “You are not quitting, because I took a gamble on you, and you’re staying. You’re going to stay, and this is what you’re going to do. You are going to fake it. You’re going to do every talk that you ever get asked to do. You’re just going to do it and do it and do it, even if you’re terrified and just paralyzed and having an out-of-body experience, until you have this moment where you say, ‘Oh my gosh, I’m doing it. Like, I have become this. I am actually doing this.'” So that’s what I did. Five years in grad school, a few years, you know, I’m at Northwestern, I moved to Harvard, I’m at Harvard, I’m not really thinking about it anymore, but for a long time I had been thinking, “Not supposed to be here.”
eventually /ivéntʃuəli/ (副) 最終的に
peer /píər/ (名) 同級生、クラスメート
convince /kənvíns/ (動) 説得する ⇨ “convince (人) to 〜” 「(人)を説得して〜させる」
take (人) on: (人を)弟子としてとる
first-year talk : 最初の年に行われるスピーチ
find out: ここでは「(正体を)見破る」というニュアンス。
I was so afraid of being found out the next day that 〜: “so … that 〜” 「あまりに…なので〜した」。全体では「次に日正体を見破られることをあま りに恐れたため〜」のニュアンス。
take a gamble on 〜: 〜に賭ける
ever /évər/ (副) ここでは「(未来について)これから先、いつか」のニュアンス。 ⇨ “you ever get asked to do” 「あなたがこれから先しろと頼まれた」のニュアンス。 “get asked” は受け身で「〜される」の意。
paralyze /pǽrəlàiz/ (動) ~をまひさせる ⇨ “be paralyzed” 「身がすくむ」のニュアンス。
out-of-body experience: 幽体離脱体験
this moment where you say 〜: “where” は関係副詞で先行詞は “moment”。全体の意味は「あなたが〜という瞬間」のニュアンス。
(I’m) not supposed to be here: カッコ内が省略されている。
So at the end of my first year at Harvard, a student who had not talked in class the entire semester, who I had said, “Look, you’ve gotta participate or else you’re going to fail,” came into my office. I really didn’t know her at all. She came in totally defeated, and she said, “I’m not supposed to be here.” And that was the moment for me. Because two things happened. One was that I realized, oh my gosh, I don’t feel like that anymore. I don’t feel that anymore, but she does, and I get that feeling. And the second was, she is supposed to be here! Like, she can fake it, she can become it.
semester /səméstər/ (名) 〈米〉(学年の半分の)学期
who I had said: 関係代名詞 “who” の先行詞は、一行目の“a student”。
have gotta: = have got to = have to
or else: あるいは、さもないと
came: この動詞の主語は、一行目の “a student”。
defeate /difíːt/ (動) 駄目にする、無にする、挫折させる ⇨ “be defeated” 「打ちひしがれる」のニュアンス。
oh my gosh: 信じられない!/おやまあ!(“gosh” は “God” の婉曲表現。)
So I was like, “Yes, you are! You are supposed to be here! And tomorrow you’re going to fake it, you’re going to make yourself powerful, and, you know. And you’re going to go into the classroom, and you are going to give the best comment ever.” You know? And she gave the best comment ever, and people turned around and were like, oh my God, I didn’t even notice her sitting there.
I was like: (口語)「私はこんな感じのことを言った。」のニュアンス。
ever /évər/ (副) ここでは「(最上級の後で)かつて、今までに」の意。
turn around: 後ろを向く
(they) were like: カッコ内が省略されており「彼らはこんな感じだった。」のニュアンス。
notice (人) 〜ing: (人)が〜しているのを気づく
She comes back to me months later, and I realized that she had not just faked it till she made it, she had actually faked it till she became it. So she had changed. And so I want to say to you, don’t fake it till you make it. Fake it till you become it. Do it enough until you actually become it and internalize.
She comes back: 文法的には過去形の “She came back” が正しいが、ここでは意識的もしくは無意識的に、より臨場感を表すことができる現在形と なっている。
I realized that she had not just faked it till she made it: “she had not just faked it” は “I realized” よりも前に起こっているので過去完了形。
internalize /intə́ːrnəlàiz/ (動) 自分のものにする、習得する
The last thing I wanna leave you with is this. Tiny tweaks can lead to big changes. So, this is two minutes. Two minutes, two minutes, two minutes. Before you go into the next stressful evaluative situation, for two minutes, try doing this, in the elevator, in a bathroom stall, at your desk behind closed doors. That’s what you want to do. Configure your brain to cope the best in that situation. Get your testosterone up. Get your cortisol down. Don’t leave that situation feeling like, oh, I didn’t show them who I am. Leave that situation feeling like, I really feel like I got to say who I am and show who I am.
wanna: (口語)= want to
leave (人) with 〜: 〜を(人)に預ける/託す
tweak /twíːk/ (名) 〈口語〉微調整、マイナーチェンジ
bathroom stall: トイレの個室
cope /kóup/ (動) うまく処理/対処する ⇨ “cope the best” 「最もうまく対処する」。ここでの “the best” が副詞。
(have) got to: カッコ内が省略されている。= have to
So I want to ask you first, you know, both to try power posing, and also I want to ask you to share the science, because this is simple. I don’t have ego involved in this. Give it away. Share it with people, because the people who can use it the most are the ones with no resources and no technology and no status and no power. Give it to them because they can do it in private. They need their bodies, privacy and two minutes, and it can significantly change the outcomes of their life. Thank you.
ego /íːgou/ (名) うぬぼれ、慢心
give it away: 秘密を漏らす(“it” は「秘密」を意味する。)
the most: ここでは副詞で「もっとも」の意。
in private: こっそりと

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